The Stanley Hotel

The Stanley Hotel seems to be one of the more recognized icons in Estes Park. Thanks to Stephen King's

"The Shining" the hotel has also one more reputation to live up to. But the most important one is that of being

the area's resort of choice, even if one doesn't stay there.


When F. O. Stanley traveled to Estes Park, he did so on the recommendation of his doctor that he find a nice place

high up in Colorado, where the air is clean and crisp in order to live out what seemed to be his few remaining days

in comfort. Little did anyone guess that he would build a world class hotel without having any hotel experience. And then

he would dramatically help the tourist business by introducing his "Stanley Steamer" which cut the trip from Lyons to

Estes Park from a rugged, dust-filled 6 hour trip to a more palatable 1 to 1.5 hour trip.


The first photo in this sequence captures the construction phase which was started in 1907. The main, and only building

at the time consisted of the center structure, later augmented by dinner halls, service quarters, a front deck, and of course

expanded rooms. The contemporary photograph was shot in 2003 at approximately the same time of day as the original.

(Place mouse over the picture to freeze the current view)